What works for YOU?

I’m Kathy and I help busy high achieving women over 40 who are going through perimenopause and post-menopause create simple daily habits to increase energy, ditch the scale and have more fun!

I have found that most women don't want to track all of their calories or macros and want to simply be more present in their daily life while feeling confident to do the things they love. Instead they become overwhelmed with where to start and end up giving up.

I created the ENERGY BOOSTERS Accountability group coaching program to help you break your habit goals into doable bite-size pieces. Providing support without all the trackers for your current season of life.

As a high-achieving woman and maybe even a business owner, you’re used to outsourcing to get things done! Why not also outsource your accountability to improve your health, increase your energy and grow your profits too?

How can I help you meet your goals?


ENERGY BOOSTERS Accountability Group

If you’re a woman over 40 who is tired of eating like a toddler, feeling zero energy and ready to level up in your life, you just need a little accountability to get you there!

Join this group and have support from a community of high achieving women working towards their goals too! Many women in perimenopause and post-menopause are confused what to do from here to feel energy like they used to … Let me guide you!

You probably have a BIG GOAL you’ve been working on for years, but you just haven’t succeeded yet. You find that your health goals take a back seat to your biz goals.

NEVER FEAR! We’ll help you break that BIG GOAL into baby steps so that you can finally achieve your goal, increase your ENERGY and grow your profits!

What’s included:

  • Supportive community in Voxer - on YOUR schedule!

  • Certified Health Coach also part of Voxer group!

  • SIX lessons based on feedback from the group

  • SIX weekly check-ins

  • SIX weeks of feedback based on your WINS and any frustrations. My goal is to help you SUCCEED!

  • One-on-one option if you feel like you need personalized Voxer (walkie talkie app) support from ME - your Certified Health Coach with 15+ years experience.

  • Join the waitlist below if you’re interested in the next group. I’ll send you an email with information when it’s open!

  • This is a 6 week group.

  • $127 for 6 week ENERGY BOOSTERS Accountability group access

  • $297 for group access AND one-on-one support


Join the FREE 5-day Protein Challenge!

As women age and go through perimenopause and post-menopause, protein becomes increasingly important to preserve our muscle. It helps us stay satisfied and keeps energy levels even throughout the day. However, eating ENOUGH protein is one of the biggest challenges most of my clients face. So, join me for a FREE 5-day protein challenge.



One-on-One Health Coaching

Do you want someone to walk through your specific goals with you? Do you want personalized accountability?

Put my 15+ years of Health Coaching experience to work for YOU! Believe me, I’ve seen and heard it all … and I’m excited about the opportunity to dive deeper into your goals and guide you to a healthier life! I will provide you with a customized wellness plan with baby steps that fit into your life. We’ll talk monthly and you’ll receive email or VOXER support between calls. Monthly payment plans available.

3 months 697

6 months for 1247


“My non-scale victory this week - More energy throughout the day! Going to bed and not completely at zero. ”

— Katti N.