Hey, I’m Kathy!

I’m a Wellness Coach for high achieving women over 40 going through perimenopause and post-menopause. I am passionate about helping YOU fit in fitness through FUN, DO-ABLE and SUSTAINABLE habits. I am a great listener and I genuinely want you to be successful. Do you think it’s impossible to be TONED, STRONG and ENERGETIC at this age? Let me prove you wrong!

Here’s a little more about me!


I have a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and I’ve been a Certified Health Coach for over 15 years. I’ve worked with ALL KINDS of people! What I’ve learned is that each of us have ways we can make small improvements to achieve BIG results in our lives. Unfortunately, these small steps aren’t SEXY .. but, they do WORK!


I love working with high achieving women business owners over 40 (because I’m one too!) to help them create simple daily habits to improve health, increase energy and grow profits. I want to hear your health and fitness frustrations, hopes and goals .. and I want to help you achieve those goals! Ready to FEEL AMAZING? Awesome! Let’s do this!


I also love community. I believe that we are BETTER TOGETHER and you will find more success if you surround yourself with a supportive community of likeminded women with similar goals and on a similar path to you. When you work with me, you will be part of a larger community. They will lift you up .. and I will too!


My goal is to educate and empower YOU!

I see you out there, friend! You’re frustrated and you don’t recognize you’re body anymore … and, more importantly, you don’t know what to do about it.

You’re in luck! I help busy high achieving women over 40 create simple daily habits to increase energy, ditch the scale and have more fun!

I have found that most women don't want to track all of their calories or macros and want to simply be more present int their daily life while feeling confident to do the things they love. Instead they become overwhelmed with where to start and end up giving up.

I created the ENERGY BOOSTERS Accountability group coaching program to help you break your habit goals into doable bite-size pieces. Providing support without all the trackers for your current season of life.


If you think it’s time, it’s probably LONG past time. Just sayin’